Alumni Spotlight | Nicholas Class of 2016

November 08, 2023

Nicholas (Class of 2016) has had an exciting career since leaving AIS. Currently, he works as a VFX artist on movies, TV shows, advertisements and music videos for Flow Postproduction in Antwerp. His job ranges from the use of simple green screens to full CGI sequences with fire and explosions.

“I love the work because it’s constantly evolving in terms of effects needed and the technology used to achieve them. So challenging, but also rewarding when you learn and increase your skills,” he says.

When asked how he became interested in this career, Nicholas told us that the use of laptops in class piqued his interest when he was able to use After Effects to create short videos. “I would toy around with it after school and it quickly became something I enjoyed doing.”

Nicholas is a great example of a student who took the skills he learned at AIS and turned them into an enriching career. We are proud of Nicholas and his achievements and are excited to see what he accomplishes in the future.