
AIS is always prepared for any type of scenario and can continue with uninterrupted learning for our students. Our teachers always have their plans ready so students can be quickly placed in online classrooms at a moment’s notice.


Our COVID-19 Task Force meets regularly to discuss the evolving situation. They closely follow developments in Belgium and worldwide. All decisions regarding COVID-19 have been made putting our students, teachers, and all of their families first.

To provide the community with an easy overview of all the possible school operation scenarios, the task force has developed a colour-coded matrix in line with regulations published by the Flemish Education Ministry. The current status at AIS is LEVEL GREEN. Please click here for more detailed information.


We continue to accept new students at this time. You can reach our Admissions Team at Please click here to take a virtual tour of our campus.

Corona Updates
Head of School

Important messages and updates about COVID-19 from the Head of School, Andreas Koini.


To provide the community with an easy overview of all the possible school operation scenarios, we have developed a colour-coded matrix in line with regulations published by the Flemish Education Ministry.

Health and Safety

At AIS, we are committed to making sure our students, parents and staff stay healthy and adhere to the rules and regulations of the Belgian government. Specific health safety guidelines were published and are listed here.

Scenarios in case of Infection

Possible scenarios in case of COVID-19 infection within the AIS Community.

Online learning

While students have been back on campus since August, AIS was prepared for online learning and made sure our students were able to continue their education, almost seamlessly. Here is what our online learning looked like for the school year 2019-2020.