Health and Safety


  • Anyone entering campus must go through the entrance at Reception.
  • Anyone entering and leaving campus must disinfect their hands at the entrance.
  • All adults and children over the age of 12 must wear a mouth mask while on campus, unless they are alone in a room, or while outside maintaining social distancing.
  • Students are on campus only for the duration of their school day.
  • Students may not enter campus before their arrival time.
  • Parents are not allowed on campus, except when picking up a sick child; they then need to follow the guidelines.
  • Staff and students are expected to follow the guidelines and cooperate when instructed and directed.


All movement of students around and within the buildings is to be supervised/monitored by an adult and must adhere to the expected 1.5 meters distance. The expectations for movement on campus must be reinforced consistently by all staff.

  • As much as possible, all movement around and within the buildings is to happen with the expected 1.5 meters distance in place.
  • Markers for 1.5 meter distance will be placed outside and in the hallways; please respect those guidelines.
  • In general, keep to the right when walking up and down the stairs and through the hallways.
  • Stay five steps apart on the stairs.
  • Doors will be marked as entrance or exit doors, or, in some cases, both.  If a door is used in both directions, please keep to the right and respect, as much as possible, 1.5 metres distance.
  • When entering or exiting a building or room, respect 1.5 metres distance.


  • Anyone entering campus must complete the relevant “Health Declaration ” form, confirming the following:
    • You and/or your child has not:
      • been tested positive with the Coronavirus within the last two weeks.
      • experienced any symptoms (according to the most recent information) associated with the Coronavirus within the last two weeks.
      • been in direct contact or immediate vicinity of any person you know was carrying the virus.
    • You agree to follow all Health and Safety measures
    • If you or your child is exhibiting symptoms of any illness and have tested negative for COVID-19, our normal health regulations apply for returning to school.
    • Reception will maintain a list of those who have completed this form.  Anyone who has not yet done so must complete and sign a paper copy at Reception before entering campus.
  • Any health guidelines that are included in our regular Health Guidelines and that are not covered here still apply.
  • Staff and students will disinfect/wash their hands when they enter or exit a room (at any time throughout the day), after visiting the toilet, before and after snack and lunch and before leaving at the end of the day. Use a clean paper towel to dry hands, and dispose of it in a covered bin. Dispose of any used tissues in a covered bin.
  • All drinking fountains will be closed except for the filling of water bottles; staff and students are asked to bring a water bottle from home. Early Years students should fill their water bottles at the sinks in their classroom. Each classroom will be assigned a specific toilet and washbasin and must use those throughout the day.


  • Students or staff who show signs of illness or have a temperature of 37.8C or higher will be sent home from school. 
  • The nurse will phone a parent to arrange immediate pick up of the sick child.  
  • If a student is unwell, phone the nurse to make sure she is available and to let them know the reason for sending/bringing the student (0477 37 32 30).  Primary School students must be escorted to the nurse’s room.  
  • Only one student at a time is allowed to enter the nurse’s office.
  • The nurse’s office will only be available for staff or students who need to be sent home due to illness or injury.

There will be a continued focus on personal hygiene and cleaning of classrooms.


Hand sanitizer will be placed at each building entry door and at each classroom door.

The cleaning company will be circulating throughout the day to clean and disinfect frequently used areas and the classrooms.  They will enter the classroom to clean door handles, chairs, tables, toilets, etc., twice a day when no students are in the room. They will also thoroughly clean each classroom and commonly used rooms at the end of the school day.

Staff are responsible for cleaning their own work space (desk, chair, etc.) throughout the day, and adhering to all health and hygiene measures.

The cleaning company will be responsible for:

  • Disinfecting railings, door handles, light switches, etc., on a continuous basis throughout the day.
  • Disinfecting toilets and sinks on a continuous basis throughout the day.
  • At the end of every school day, thoroughly cleaning any area of the campus that has been accessed by students or staff.

Staff are responsible for:

  • Wiping down their personal work space and equipment throughout the day. Disinfectant spray, cloths and wipes will be provided for each room.
  • Helping students understand and follow campus hygiene guidelines
  • Cleaning desks and chairs if other students or teachers will use them later in the same school day
  • Cleaning tables before and after snack and lunch (for Early Years)


World Health OrganizationBelgian Government InformationEuropean Centre for Disease Prevention and Control