VIDEO | Grade 5 ‘Peace and Conflict’ Unit
Grade 5 students recently completed their Unit of Inquiry called ‘Peace and Conflict’. They presented their learning in a full class assembly which came one day after Armistice Day. On the heels of this day of remembrance of the soldiers who have fought in wars, the theme of the assembly, peace and conflict, dovetails perfectly. Please watch the video below as each student explains what peace means to them and to also hear them recite the famous poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ written by John McCrea during World War I. This poem was specifically chosen because it was written in Belgium more than 100 years ago.
Over the course of the unit the students used the metaphor of an onion as they inquired into the different layers of peace and conflict. Those layers: personal, group, community, country and global. The students spent time identifying similarities and differences for both peace and conflict between all the different layers. They determined that feelings, ideas and things are often the reason for conflicts and that through negotiation and mediation peace can be restored. The students have deepened and refined their understanding of these complex concepts by delving into case studies, participating and creating role plays, reading and listening to literature and viewing films.
The symbols of peace played a significant role throughout the assembly. The students wore a self-made poppy while they recited the famous poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ written by John McCrea during WW1. This poem was specifically chosen because it was written in Belgium more than 100 years ago.
This class assembly was extra special because the Grade 5 parents were invited to come and watch, the first time since March, 2019. Grade 5 students were excited to be able to share their learning with their fellow students as well as their parents.
Romy De Keulenaer
Head of Admissions